Importance of Prenatal Massage for Expecting Mothers

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Importance of Prenatal Massage for Expecting Mothers

Importance of Prenatal Massage for Expecting Mothers

Prenatal massage bend or is an ideal and a wonderful addition to every mother’s prenatal care. Since expecting moms are carrying the extra weight of their upcoming baby, thus they experience discomforts such as leg cramps, backaches, stiff necks, and even swelling.  Prenatal massage is a good and healthy way to relieve the pain of aching joints, stimulates lymph and blood circulation, and emotional stress caused by hormonal swings.


Is Prenatal Massage Safe?

On the first trimester of pregnancy, a prenatal massage is considered safe as long as doctors allow you and your massage therapist is aware that you are pregnant. However, you may choose to stop the massage on the first 3 months of your pregnancy as it may cause you dizziness and aggravate morning sickness.

It is not true that massages may cause miscarriage, although it is important that you are aware of the pressures applied in between the heel and the anklebone since it may cause contractions.

Even if you can visit any massage therapist; it is still advisable that you find someone who has advanced training in prenatal massage bend or. In this way, you are confident and safe to be in the hands of a professional that knows how to relieve the body pains that all expecting mother experiences.

Lastly, make sure that you visit your doctor first; to know if it is entirely safe for you and for the baby to receive prenatal massage.


Benefits of Prenatal Massage

  1. Can decrease stress hormones to help your body to loosen up and relax the muscles.
  2. Increase blood circulation.
  3. Strengthen the connection between the mother and the baby.
  4. Relaxes the mind and other body pains.
  5. Reduce hand and feet swelling.
  6. Lastly, may help eliminate depression and anxiety.

Even if prenatal massage bend or, is a great addition to the wellness of the expecting mother and the baby; it is still necessary that you consult your doctor first to see if you are in a high-risk pregnancy.

Furthermore, if you start to feel discomfort during the prenatal massage; make sure that you immediately tell your therapist to avoid any complication.

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